Learn Criminal Law As Thoroughly As Any Lawyer
Master Criminal Law Without the Modern Law School Cost, Political Correctness, Critical Race Theory or “Diversity, Inclusion & Equity” Cultism!
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Criminal Law Alone
Registration for this Criminal Law Course (prerecorded only)
Prerecorded for your convenience - watch and learn anytime!
14 Modules total (approximately 20 hours of class learning) + Optional Final Exam-Based Certification
6 future +3 prerecorded Courses Bundle!
Normally $15,000
Just 4 quarterly payments of $995 (Save 74%!)
A HUGE Discount on the 6-course law bundle! Registration is for 3 semester-long live law courses + 3 prerecorded law courses that can be taken at any time, + pre-reserved seats to those very same 3 law courses the next time they are offered live! Courses are:
THIS Criminal Law Course: Prerecorded
+ Future seat! -
Constitutional Law (Live Spring 2023)
Criminal Procedure (Live Fall 2023)
Evidence Law Prerecorded
+ Future seat! -
Property Law Prerecorded
+ Future seat! -
Criminal Justice (Live Spring 2024)
(click on the course name to learn more about each class)
What’s In Store For You In This Course?
The mission of the Criminal Law Course is to provide a thorough understanding of criminal law as it is taught in law school, but at a fraction of the time and cost of what law school costs today, and without the political correctness, critical race theory, or “diversity, inclusion, and equity” cultism that has so thoroughly infected modern law schools. We just do law, as traditionally taught, period.
Whether you’re just fascinated by criminal law and want a deeper understanding, or want to dip your toe into the world of legal education before committing yourself to 3 years of law school and perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans, this class will give you a thorough legal understanding of Criminal Law as it is taught in 1L (first-year) law school.
We’re able to offer these law-school level courses to you at these amazingly low prices precisely because we don’t incur the cost of having them formally accredited, as would be required for a degree-offering program. If you are interested in an actual Juris Doctor (law degree), it would be necessary for you to attend an accredited law school with its attendant cost and time commitments.
That said—if you are seriously considering law school, taking our American Law Courses first would place you in an extremely advantageous position relative to your fellow students, who will be learning this material for the first time while earning their law school grades, while you will already have mastered it.
Meet Your Professor
Attorney Steve Gosney, Esq. is in his third decade of practicing law,
specializing in Florida criminal law, with experience in Federal and State appeals, as well as extensive trial experience, including the designation in Florida Criminal Trial Law, having handled over 360 appeals. He has written or co-written well over a dozen treatises on criminal appellate law, and is in the top 10% most cited authors of expert law articles.
Attorney Gosney is an Instructor at the Public Defender’s Office Trial Attorneys, where he has taught hundreds of attorneys at the appellate and trial levels. He is listed on the Fulbright Specialist Roster by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
In addition to his legal work, Mr. Gosney also a firearms enthusiast and qualified to be an NRA Certified Instructor on Pistol Shooting.

What Will You Learn In This Course?
Citizen Police Interactions
Learn how the Fourth Amendment's Search and Seizure laws protect your rights
Your Right to be quiet
Do you really understand your 5th Amendment right to remain silent? You'll learn what it truly is and how that has changed from the dawn of our country to Miranda and beyond.
Types of Crimes
Learn about theft, burglary, fraud, embezzlement, possession crimes, assault, battery, robbery, rape, kidnapping, unlawful vitizen's arrest, and extortion, blackmail, and murder
Conspiracy, attempts to commit a crime, and accomplices
How do we properly prove, prosecute, and punish these unfinished or tertiary crimes? We'll discuss how and why such conduct is illegal, as well as mitigating factors such as solicitation and impossibility.
Affirmative Defenses
Did you commit the crime but have a good reason? Do you have such a good reason even the law agrees what you did was justified? Learn how to claim and win an affirmative defense.
Good Science and Junk Science
The scientific method has been put to good use in criminal law, but not all science is good, and "bad science" has infiltrated the law thoroughly. Learn how it has done so, its detrimental effect, and how we can combat it.
Too bad. You've just been declared guilty. Now what? That depends on the crime you are guilty of, the flexibility provided the judge, to what of five purposes the sentence is designed to satisfy, and what mitigating and aggravating circumstances apply.
Death Penalty
Little in criminal law has been debated more hotly than the Death Penalty and, as such, it requires considerable effort to both understand when we are allowed in this country to do so, and why.
Is this the same as a Criminal Law course taught in law school?
This Course was taught in the same manner as experienced by Dean Andrew Branca and Provost Steven Gosney when they took the subject in their first years of law school, but with an extra emphasis on our rights and liberty within the law. Like those courses, this one requires a final exam be passed for successful completion (certification). This course is not accredited by any academic organization.
when is the course?
Classes occured in the fall of 2022. A recording of each module will be provided to you to follow along, as well as homework and other interactive work to ensure your learning is maximized.
where will the course take place?
Each class has already been completed so you can follow along at your pace and on your timeline! Don’t have time to watch tonight? No problem – watch later. Take as long as you need to complete and get certified when you are ready!
can anyone attend this course?
This is an open-registration course. You do not need to have any prior formal education in the law to take this course.
can i bring my spouse or a guest?
It is expected that every person accessing course content will be a registered student.
What is the refund policy for this course??
Access the first module and if you don’t like it you can request a full refund! After watching the first module you may no longer receive a refund.