Criminal Procedure Law:
Mastering the Process
Master Criminal Procedure Law Without the Modern Law School Cost, Political Correctness, Critical Race Theory or “Diversity, Inclusion & Equity” Cultism!
This Course On
Criminal Procedure Law Alone
Normally $1,995
Now Only $995
Save 50%!
Registration for this Criminal Procedure Law Course
Taught Live Each Wednesday September 13 - December 13 @ 6 PM Eastern time
Can't attend? No worries! Every registrant will have access to a replay recording of each module!
14 Modules total + Optional Final Exam-Based Certification
3 Courses Bundle!
Normally $3,495 - $5,995
Now Only $1,995
Save up to 66%!
A 60% Discount on 3 courses of your choice! Registration is for 3 semester-long law courses, some of which are pre-recorded and some of which are live. Courses are:
This Criminal Procedure Law Course (Live Wednesdays)
Constitutional Law Prerecorded
Criminal Law Prerecorded
Business Law (Live Mondays)
Evidence Law Prerecorded
Property Law Prerecorded
Criminal Justice (Live Spring 2024)
(click on the course name to learn more about each class)
7 Courses Bundle!
Normally $9,995
Only $2,795
Save 72%!
A HUGE Discount on the 7-course law bundle! Registration is for 4 semester-long live law courses + 3 prerecorded law courses that can be taken at any time, + reserved seats to those very same prerecorded law courses the next time they are offered live! Courses are:
THIS Criminal Procedure Law Course (Live Wednesdays)
Criminal Law Prerecorded
Business Law (Live Mondays)
Evidence Law Prerecorded
Constitutional Law Prerecorded
Property Law Prerecorded
Criminal Justice (Live Spring 2024)
(click on the course name to learn more about each class)
What’s In Store For You In This Course?
Criminal Procedure Law: Mastering the Process is a deep dive look at the nuts and bolts of the criminal justice system. We have learned evidence, the constitution, and the legal concepts, but how does it all operate? Using the Florida Rules of criminal Procedure as a foundation, the class will explore, in depth, the functioning of the criminal justice system.
Modules will cover preliminary proceedings, arraignment and pleas, pretrial motions and defenses, discovery, substitution of judge, change of venue. We will then take a detailed look at the conduct of a criminal trial, post-trial motions, sentences, postconviction relief, and appeals.
We’re able to offer these law-school level courses to you at these amazingly low prices precisely because we don’t incur the cost of having them formally accredited, as would be required for a degree-offering program. If you are interested in an actual Juris Doctor (law degree), it would be necessary for you to attend an accredited law school with its attendant cost and time commitments.
That said—if you are seriously considering law school, taking our American Law Courses first would place you in an extremely advantageous position relative to your fellow students, who will be learning this material for the first time while earning their law school grades, while you will already have mastered it.
Meet Your Professor
Attorney Steven Gosney, Esq. is in his third decade of practicing law, specializing in Florida criminal law, with experience in Federal and State appeals, as well as extensive trial experience, including the designation in Florida Criminal Trial Law, having handled over 360 appeals. He has written or co-written well over a dozen treatises on criminal appellate law, and is in the top 10% most cited authors of expert law articles.
Attorney Gosney is an Instructor at the Public Defender’s Office Trial Attorneys, where he has taught hundreds of attorneys at the appellate and trial levels. He is listed on the Fulbright Specialist Roster by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
In addition to his legal work, Mr. Gosney also a firearms enthusiast and qualified to be an NRA Certified Instructor on Pistol Shooting.

What Will You Learn In This Course?
Preliminary Proceedings
Stopped, Detained, Arrested, Arraigned. They all mean slightly different things and hint at the steps both you and your Defense Team need to do before being prepared for the ultimate first step: arraignment.
Arraignment and Pleas
Think you should always plead "Not Guilty" if you didn't do it? Think again. The question "are you legally guilty?" is a much murkier question than just "did you do the crime?".
Pretrial Motions and Defenses
Many a criminal attorney will tell you that most if not nearly all their trials are decided before the first day with the jury. Depositions, pretrial motions, evidence admittance and rejection and more all make far more of a difference than you might think.
It's illegal for the prosecution to hide evidence from your defense attorney under nearly all circumstances. Learn the few exceptions, why they do it anyway, and what can be done about it. Learn also why, as the defendant, different rules apply to you.
Conduct of Trial, Jury Instructions
The trial is a well defined game with potentially life-altering results. Learn the rules, play within them (or break them!) and master the system that ultimately ends in 'guilty' or 'not guilty.'
The Verdict
What do you mean "I'm Guilty." I didn't do it! An oft-spoken phrase in courtrooms but the truth is the verdict is more complicated than you might think.
Motions to Interview Jurors
Think you can't interview jurors? You're mostly right but there are a few very important exceptions.
Post-Trial Motions & Procedures
If you are declared guilty your road just got much tougher, but not impossible. Learn the techniques great lawyers use to win back another opportunity to walk away free.
Register Now!
This Course On
Business Law Alone
Normally $1,995
Now Only $995
Save 50%!
Registration for this Business Law Course
Taught Live Each Monday September 11 - December 11 @ 7 PM Eastern time
Can't attend? No worries! Every registrant will have access to a replay recording of each module!
14 Modules total + Optional Final Exam-Based Certification
3 Courses Bundle!
Normally $3,495 - $5,995
Now Only $1,995
Save up to 66%!
A 60% Discount on 3 courses of your choice! Registration is for 3 semester-long law courses, some of which are pre-recorded and some of which are live. Courses are:
This Business Law Course (Live Mondays)
Constitutional Law Prerecorded
Criminal Law Prerecorded
Criminal Procedure (Live Wednesdays)
Evidence Law Prerecorded
Property Law Prerecorded
Criminal Justice (Live Spring 2024)
(click on the course name to learn more about each class)
7 Courses Bundle!
Normally $9,995
Only $2,795
Save 72%!
A HUGE Discount on the 7-course law bundle! Registration is for 4 semester-long live law courses + 3 prerecorded law courses that can be taken at any time, + reserved seats to those very same prerecorded law courses the next time they are offered live! Courses are:
THIS Business Law Course (Live Mondays)
Criminal Law Prerecorded
Criminal Procedure (Live Fall 2023)
Evidence Law Prerecorded
Constitutional Law Prerecorded
Property Law Prerecorded
Criminal Justice (Live Spring 2024)
(click on the course name to learn more about each class)
Is this the same as a Criminal Procedure Law course taught in law school?
This Course was taught in the same manner as experienced by Dean Andrew Branca and Provost Steven Gosney when they took the subject in their first years of law school, but with an extra emphasis on our rights and liberty within the law. Like those courses, this one requires a final exam be passed for successful completion (certification). This course is not accredited by any academic organization.
when is the course?
Classes occur every Wednesday starting September 13 at 6PM Eastern. A recording of each module will be provided to you to follow along, as well as homework and other interactive work to ensure your learning is maximized.
where will the course take place?
Each class occurs on zoom or on this website. Simply log in and go to the lesson page. Or, alternatively, you can watch the recording of the class once it is completed and posted.
can anyone attend this course?
This is an open-registration course. You do not need to have any prior formal education in the law to take this course.
can i bring my spouse or a guest?
It is expected that every person accessing course content will be a registered student.
What is the refund policy for this course??
Access the first module and if you don’t like it you can request a full refund prior to the second class beginning! After the first minute of the second module has been streamed (whether or not you watched it) you may no longer receive a refund. If the course is pre-recorded once the second class video has been started a refund is no longer available for that course.